
"And that's what's happening at Hernando Baptist"

Baby Dedication
Baby dedication will take place on Sunday, October 20th. If you would like for your family to participate in baby dedication, please contact Katie McMinn at [email protected] for more information. 
The deadline to sign up is Sunday, October 6th.

Discover HBC
Our next Discover HBC meeting will be on Sunday, October 13th following the 11am service. Discover Hernando Baptist is a single-time class dedicated to those interested in joining the Hernando Baptist Church family. At Discover HBC meetings, we will provide you and your family with lunch, discuss the mission of HBC, introduce staff members, and answer any questions you may have regarding our church and membership. Childcare for children from birth to five years of age is available upon request. Sign up here.

New Discipleship Groups
New Discipleship Groups will begin on Wednesday, October 16th. More information and sign ups will be available on our website soon at

Fall Fest
Fall Fest will be on Sunday, October 27th from 4-6pm here at HBC! This event is for the entire family. We hope you will join us for an evening of fellowship and fun with the community. Please help us by bringing a bag of individually wrapped candy. Candy drop boxes are available in the Hub, worship center foyer, and by the elevator. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering at Fall Fest, contact Katie at [email protected].

College Care Packages
Do you remember your college days? Busy weren’t they? Lots of studying, events to attend, people to see, things to get into… In this environment, it can be tempting to lose sight of Christ and the church. That’s why I am asking the Life Groups at HBC to get together care packages for these young adults – to remind them of their first love, Jesus. In order to do this, I need two pieces to the puzzle: 1) addresses to ship a package to your college student while at school and 2) Life Groups to pack and ship a medium to large-sized box to a college student (or two… or three?). If you have interest in being a part of this ministry to our young adults, please reach out to me at [email protected]. More information will be provided when I hear from you. Thanks for your help!

Young Adult & College Students Bible Study
Every week, the young adults and college students have a bible study at 6:30pm on Thursdays. If you aren’t involved already, we want you to be! We would love for people in our church to host and cook for this bible study. If you are a young adult, we want you to come to this bible study! If you're interested in coming or have any questions, please contact Garrett at [email protected].

Ways to Give
We no longer pass offering plates; instead, we have stationed offering collection boxes in the foyer. As you leave the worship center, we encourage you to drop your offering in one of these boxes. If you desire, you may continue to give online through our Hernando Baptist Church app or through our website at